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Accounts Receivable Financing

We understand that there are times when your construction business could use some help with cash flow. CapitalPlus can supply you with the money you need. Our affordable accounts receivable financing options allow your construction business not only solutions to get caught up on your bills but also help you to build your business.

Accounts Receivable Financing -
Tailored Options for the Perfect Financial Fit

Construction Invoice Factoring

We provide immediate access to cash so you can keep building your construction business. Our unique blend of continuous finance and support enables you to pay creditors promptly, meet payroll, maintain overhead expenses, pay taxes, and compete for larger jobs.

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Spot Factoring

Spot Financing allows you to choose which invoices you want to factor and when to submit them for immediate payment. You simply call CapitalPlus when you need immediate cash. You can factor one or all of your unpaid invoices, keeping control in your hands.

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Contract Factoring

By financing all your invoices on a project using contract factoring, you can receive discounts due to scale. You get better rates while also getting the cash flow you need to move forward and keep building. And your suppliers benefit by gaining certainty they’ll be paid on time. Everyone wins.

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Bulk Invoice Factoring

By factoring all your invoices on a project, you can receive volume discounts. You don't only get better rates while you gain the cash flow you need to move forward and keep building, but your suppliers gain certainty they’ll be paid on time. It's a win-win situation.

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Construction Invoice Financing

Don't let slow-paying customers handcuff your construction business. CapitalPlus' invoice financing options provide lightning-fast access to money so you can make payroll, pay for materials, and keep growing your business.

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Construction Contract Financing

We offer an option for discounted pricing and consistent cash flow. We help you when long-term project contracts make you wait for payment. We know this can interfere with your ability to take on new projects. CapitalPlus works with you to create a customized solution. By agreeing to finance all your invoices on a project in return for volume discounts, your suppliers gain certainty they’ll be paid on time while you gain the cash flow you need to move forward and keep building.

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Government Contracts Financing

We are registered with the U.S. Federal Government Systems Award Management (SAM) and have the expertise needed to negotiate the Assignment of Claims Act, a federal law that specifies procedures for assigning financial rights to invoices of government contractors. We understand government contract cash flow problems and will work with you so you can complete your job without having to worry about payroll or other accounts payable.

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Disaster Recovery Financing

We help you gather the necessary resources to mobilize your operation and allow you to quickly respond. We are experts at providing cash flow support to Disaster Recovery Contractors.

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Factoring de Facturas de Construcción

Brindamos acceso inmediato a efectivo para que pueda seguir construyendo su negocio. Nuestra combinación única de financiamiento y soporte continuo le permite pagar a los acreedores con prontitud, cumplir con la nómina, mantener los gastos generales, pagar impuestos y competir por empleos más importantes.

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How Accounts Receivable Financing Works in Construction

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The contractor submits an accounts receivable invoice to CapitalPlus

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Contractor receives a check from CapitalPlus

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CapitalPlus pays the remainder (less fees) to the contractor after customer payment











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CapitalPlus purchases the invoices(s)

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Contractor uses the money as needed



Step One Image

The contractor submits an accounts receivable invoice to CapitalPlus



Step Two Image

CapitalPlus purchases the invoices(s)



Step Three Image

Contractor receives a check from CapitalPlus



Step Four Image

Contractor uses the money as needed



Step Five Image

CapitalPlus pays the remainder (less fees) to the contractor after customer payment

What is Accounts Receivable Financing?

What is Accounts Receivable Financing?

CapitalPlus' accounts receivable financing allows you to sell an invoice or invoices in exchange for a small percent of the invoice amount. This allows you to quickly fill temporary cash flow gaps rather than wait the 30-90 days for client payment.

Accounts receivable financing is great alternative:

  • super quick funding after becoming a client
  • easy to qualify
  • perfect credit is not required
  • the invoices are the collateral

Convinced? Have questions?

Schedule a call to learn how accounts receivable financing can open up opportunities for your construction business.

AR Financing - Giving You Back Control

Our experienced and educated team is happy to answer all your accounts receivable financing questions. Give us a call at 865-670-2345 or request a quote today!

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